Mike's Mom, Carolyn visited New York just awhile back and now it is the talk of Kaoma. She sent all the kids a T-shirt, as you can see. This is their serious pose with their t-shirts. The others are too ridiculous. Evie with her feet behind her head and all of that nonsense. They are all very proud of their shirts and they stick out like sore thumbs in the village. They send out a big thank you to Memaw, but little Alice prefers to say thank you "Nemoy" She isn't quite sure what a Memaw is yet. It will not be long though. Memaw is on her way September 13th and we have all the Tarheel paraphernalia we could drag to Kaoma ready and await'n.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Since Tyler and Christian were born they have shared each others birthdays together ALWAYS!!!! We knew when we moved to Africa that this would be a difficult part of being away from friends and family. Needless to say both birthdays were difficult without seeing these two together. We have cherished watching this "Buzz and Woody" duo for many years. As toddlers these two knew all the words to Toy Story and would act it out as well. I am not sure who had more fun at those birthday parties, the kids or the parents. We love birthdays with the Bellamy's. We love Christian Bellamy. This year Christian had a "Safari Birthday" in honor of us being in Africa. While I was skyping on the computer with Barbara, Christian's mother, she started to talk about the upcoming planning of the party. I just started crying and hated the thought of not being there and decorating the whole place for Christian. Most of all not getting to watch Christian blow out the candles. That is a very special part for us all. We miss you Bellamy's and we hope Christian had a wonderful birthday. To Christian from Tyler: "You've Got a Friend In Me"
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Evie and Tyler helped as we used the maize of the Ngsulu family that was drying in our backyard to send a message to their Mammaw Eva. Everyone pitched in and formed an assembly line to get all the maize over to the signage area. Then Tyler and Kasenya climbed the water tower and took pictures. It was the most fun "birthday present" to make. We love you Mom and hope you enjoy this picture.
Monday, June 29, 2009
You get fertilizer. They showed up at the gate with two ox-carts full of fertilizer for the yard and garden. They nearly knocked down the small house where Rueben's boys stay. I am not sure what they thought about us being so excited about fertilizer. Why do these makuwa (white people) take pictures of this fertilizer? How strange we me seem. ? How strange we must seem.
BIG Little Love Notes
If you have ever walked into a room and felt like nobody noticed or that you really are not important, then you have never had the privilege of knowing a little lady by the name of Faith Wilmore. Faith was a student in the preschool class at Grace Christian School. There was never a day that I didn't feel important upon her arrival. She would find me, give me a hug and tell me something new or exciting. O.k. sometimes it was just to show me a dog on her shirt or a new outfit, but it was always with the importance on me. She could, nonetheless, try my patience on days and I would wonder what in the world to do. When I took my first trip to Africa and was out of class for two weeks, she was curious to know why I had to go and would ask me on several occasions. I told her that there were little boys and girls in Africa and they needed to hear about Jesus. I also told her that I love them just like I love her and I would go to Africa to tell her too, if she were there. That was all she needed. The days up to my trip would be full of love and concern about my trip. She came in one day that was assigned to be her "show and tell". It was supposed to fit in a bag that we sent home with all the children. Well, Faith felt this could be overlooked because of the importance of what she needed to show. So, in she walks with her light up globe. She wanted to be sure that the children in her class knew exactly where Mrs. Smith was going. With her parents help she had learned where she lived on the globe and how to show us where Zambia, Africa is located. Somehow, I knew no matter how important or unimportant my trip was to anyone else, there would be a little prayer warrior at home on my side. When I returned to school after my trip and everyone was saying welcome back and hugging, it was Faith who ran up and said, "Do all the little children know who Jesus is now?" Taken aback, I was silenced, almost in tears as she hugged me and told me she missed me. I cannot tell you how overjoyed I was to receive the above note after being in Zambia just a short while. This note is above my nightstand and no matter how difficult going out to teach the children may be on days, I am reminded of Faith and her question. To my Faithie: keep praying and I will keep telling all the children that I meet. To the readers: if you ever have the chance to meet this young lady, you will be blessed, but be careful, she'll steal your heart.
Now you know that Mike Smith is not going anywhere where he cannot get a milkshake. Well, there are no milkshakes in Kaoma. "My oh' my", said the ladies from Deerfield, "whatever will Pastor Mike do?" Needless to say we were not going to debate with God on such a matter. Sure enough here is our wonderful Ice Cream maker attachment. Mike immediately started
searching for ingredients and recipes for whatever ice cream he could concoct. After careful deliberations and a little tinkering from the chef, we have a winner. I am not sure what to say to anyone who asks why do we have a whole grocery cart full of dessert cream and sweetened condensed milk. (Not really-just adding for exageration so that my readers may truly comprehend Mike's love of a milkshake) . Then to add to his unbelievable ice cream machine - The Ashby's threw in a Cuisinart "Power Stick" which is basically a blender on a stick. A milkshake is a breeze in Kaoma - you just have to know the right places.
searching for ingredients and recipes for whatever ice cream he could concoct. After careful deliberations and a little tinkering from the chef, we have a winner. I am not sure what to say to anyone who asks why do we have a whole grocery cart full of dessert cream and sweetened condensed milk. (Not really-just adding for exageration so that my readers may truly comprehend Mike's love of a milkshake) . Then to add to his unbelievable ice cream machine - The Ashby's threw in a Cuisinart "Power Stick" which is basically a blender on a stick. A milkshake is a breeze in Kaoma - you just have to know the right places.
"My Favorite Picture in Africa" by Evie Smith
Mike gave Evie an assignment to pick out one of her favorite pictures from Africa and write a brief paragraph describing the picture(s). This is Evie and her "Ant Sky". That is how Evie writes and spells Aunt. Evie wrote this is her with Ant Sky at Lake Karibba Inn. We went there for our annual meeting. Evie said that she and her Ant Sky look alike.
The two of these beautiful ones in my life having a little "girl talk" on the side of the pool. Evie loves her "Ant" Sky and yes, that is o.k. with her Aunt Beata. Ant Sky has already been introduced to Aunt Beata and has overwhelming met with her approval. Sky always makes us smile and her other half, Daniel, he provides us with laughter. I would show you a picture of him, but they all have him either chasing crocodiles or killings snakes.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
In Honor of My Sister
Mike has always loved to take pictures of funny storefronts. On his first trip to Kaoma he took a picture of the "Big Bonnita" in honor of my sister Banita (or if you know us well, my sister, Beata). However, this is the NEW "Big Bonnita". The old Big Bonnita used to be next to "Mike Investments". How amusing I know, but the Big Bonnita just got to fancy for little old Mike Investments and had to move. Well, Beata, whenever you are ready you can come (move) over and you already have a little shop ready for you to run. We will have to do a little painting on the name. Hugs and Kisses to my sister.
How Do You Witness to an Elephant?
No, we didn't try to share the gospel with this fellow, but we were close enough to do so. On the road to Lusaka is a view like no other. There are amazing ways that God speaks to us in our everyday lives no matter what road we are traveling. As I sat in the truck looking out at this enormous creature, I recognized his great power and strength. Was I scared? No, I knew I was safe in the truck and we could pull away in a second. I thought how often we depend on man and his many devices. We put trust in them to work and protect us from harm. Our faith is being tested everyday within even the mere things we take as conveniences. Do I think these conveniences are wrong to possess. No, but I think our reliance on our self-made assurances can leave us neglecting the fact that God is ever present and always working. How are we to give testimony if our faith was in the truck and not the God whom provided. I hope you are getting me or as we like to say "Una kunyuvwa". That is Shinkoya for "Are you getting me?" I pray for us all that we will rest in His Strength alone.
No. If you don't say anything, she will never know. "UHH? Tyler, what is this picture on the camera", asks his Mother. Just confess and everything will go much smoother. My son took the camera and climbed atop a water tower, a very tall water tower with no ladder or rails. He climbs the tower at our house all the time, but we have a ladder and rails and it is not nearly as high. When I see Tyler doing something that might prove physically consequential he knows what I will say. I usually say, "Tyler, no, my tail is tingling." That is from the movie "Over the Hedge". The turtle knows when something is going to go wrong when his tail tingles. It is a funny way for Tyler to be corrected, but it usually works. Needless to say, when I saw this picture. Well, let's just say if I was going to string him up, it might as well be from that water tower since he had already been up to the top. It made my heart stop I believe.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Yes, Tyler will do anything to keep from doing his schoolwork. The walls are concrete and painted with high-gloss paint. They are great for my kids "monkey-feet" That door Tyler is in front of is my bedroom. Sometimes they will climb so high and be so quite that I will walk out of my room and down the hall without even knowing they are there. One time I was looking for them to start back to their school work and they were up - just there- and not saying a word. I told them they could practice that any other time they wanted - EXCEPT- during school.
Evie, Chipango and Alice are quite animated. They play all the time and go from one drama to the next. Look at that Evie. I thought if Linda, Joan, Leon, and Vanessa could see her now. She is taking very good care of her patient. I did have to teach Evie that your heart is not in you abdomen though. Ha!Ha! She just laughed and said Mom, we are just pretending, it is not like I am taking the test to become a real EMT.
A Girl Has to Have her STUFF!
Really Evie! First and of utmost important - make sure your stuff is organized. Mammaw Eva bought Evie an American Girl Doll "Julie" for Christmas. Now Evie keeps her things all put together and when we first arrived in Africa - don't you know it. Yes, these are all Julie's things organized that she can see them all. Who cares if you are a foot and 1/2 tall and cannot breathe - a girl needs to know where here things are, Right? Ha Ha. I guess Julie deserves it. I mean if you would have seen what they put the poor doll through in customs. Quite invasive! Ha Evie keeps her quite stylish for all occasions. We love you Mammaw Eva.
You all might know that Evie love her Memaw. Well, she really put on a show one day when she came in with her notorious VT attire- purchased by the one and only "Memaw". She was really dogging her Daddy and giving him a hard time. Running through the house yelling "GO HOKIES". Most of you know that she almost ended up living in a little hut down by the river. Trust me - it can be done - right here in Kaoma. I haven't seen this outfit since. It might have ended up in the River. Sorry Memaw. You can bring another when you come.
Tyler and Kasenya make a small version of a zambian farm. Pretty impressive. They had a tractor and fence. If you will notice next to Tyler's hand is a little blue toy dinosaur. It is the Watchman for the farm. The girls were right behind working on "their own". Little Alice - we say that as Ah-lee-say here, she is the smallest (except for the new baby - we' ll talk more about that later) she would secretly take things from the boys farm and put on the girls farm when no one one looking - except from me - that is.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
TYLER'S 1st Birthday in Africa!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
DEERFIELD BAPTIST WOMEN - ain't nothin' like'm
If you have never had the privilege to spend a little time in Deerfield, Virginia, then you are really missing something. The mountains are beautiful, and the hunting is great. The valley is quite a spectacular drive, but that doesn't compare to a group of ladies nestled back there that serve with all their hearts. I knew while I was there that they loved our family, but they continue to extend that love even with us 10,000 miles away. A huge box showed up at the post office (mposho - that is Shinkoya for Post Office) and when I opened that box I could not believe it. I am driving around Zambia with a medical bag that might be better equipped than many clinics. I laughed as I went through everything because I thought, if I pull this out the nationals will think I am a doctor. People will show up at the gate and want surgery or something. haha. You ladies are amazing. Thank you from all of us and thank you ahead of time from anyone I might have to do an appendectomy on in the future. hahaha
Watch out for that Kitty in the road. . .
Escpecially when the kitty is a leopard. hahaha Isn't that great! On the way to Lusaka today there was a leopard walking in the road. One thing about leopards, they move a little too fast for photographers. Sorry no pictures. We are safe and sound in Lusaka and have been talking with family and friends on skype. We have a big meeting to go to for the next few days. I will be posting as much as I can.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Take care of one big whiny newbie. Haha. Well, sorry folks for the delay. Mama Bear was down for the count yesterday. On Monday started what I must refer to as a ritual in my life. The pain starts around the outside corner of my eye and travels up and to the back of my neck. Many of you who know me well, know I am not referring to Mike. I had a headache on Monday. Nothing too unusual until Tuesday morning around 3:00 a.m. (Africa) when I clenched my head and starting crying. The pain was the worst I have felt in some time. So many of you have prayed for me throughout the years that I hate to even mention the fact that they still happen at times. I now understand that the malaria meds only increase the intensity. To comfort my Mama and those who love me like a Mother, please know that God has put me amongst some of the greatest caregivers. Mike was quick to act, when there are tears, he is moving. He began talking to many of the Missionary ladies here and didn't stop until he came home with some solutions. Everyone was very concerned and have been diligent to check on me routinely. The Lord is always faithful, though it seems we are losing control. He is in control and knows what we need even when it hurts or does not make sense. In my pain, as many of us do, we cry out to God to help. Thoughts were running through my head about the pain those around me feel inside their lives, hearts, minds. Pain that no time, meds, or doctor can repair. All that I can tell you is that I thank God for the headaches (I can say that today, after it is over) for they come and quickly (by eternal standards) go, but the lost around me are bound for eternal torment. What is a headache compared to that and what is a taste of torment to spurn me on to share the gospel. So on to better things. We have our national registry cards. There is a story in every task you tend to here in Zambia. I will have pictures this evening as I know most of you are looking only to see my children. (I say that in a pouting manner) Just kidding. I love you all and ask for your continued prayers, yes, even if it brings on a headache. Pray for the millions of Zambians. I wish you could see the eyes that I look into everyday.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Some of you may know our friends the Bellamy's. Tom, Barbara, Christian and Little Miss Savannah. We have been great friends for years. Tyler and Christian have shared every birthday together up until this year in Zambia. Nonetheless, the Bellamy's always come through. After a brief trip into town Mike brings home a box from the post office addressed to Tyler. It is from the Bellamy's. Tyler opens to find some fabulous Tarheel Blue (that may be translated into light blue for those of you who have fell from grace ha) apparel swimming in a sea of Little Debbie cakes. You should have seen the lips, I mean looks on their faces. I don't know who was the most happy to receive this box. Because never you mind how many homemade cinnamon rolls, cinnamon bread, biscuits and pancakes that I make, I just can't keep up with Little Debbie. It is disgusting and makes a girl want to go on strike. Thank you Bellamy's for the love from home.
We have finally received our Work Permits. We are back in the capital city today. We have been out in the boma (town) Kaoma for 3 weeks. The kids have settled in nicely with the new house, town and friends. I will put some pictures on tomorrow to give a few updates. It is late here and we have had a very busy day tomorrow. Today is Mike's birthday and we took him out to the Ocean Basket restaurant. Evie ordered calamari and she loved it so don't tell her what it really is o.k. We have several busy days ahead to take care of paperwork. Pray that all will go smoothly. We have all enjoyed catching up on all the e-mails from everyone. Stay tuned for more plus pictures. . .
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
We will be leaving in the morning at 6:00 a.m. to make our way out to our house. We are all very ready to be in our home and actually unpack our suitcases. We said good-bye to dear friends Cindy and Truitt from training. They will be leaving to go to the Sudan on Friday. Please pray for them as they go. Their days ahead will be difficult. We have all the trunks loaded and ready to go. Tomorrow we will load the coolers and the rest of the food containers and take off down the Great East Road to Kaoma. Some of you know that road. It is a long straight stretch of road that runs from the capital city of Lusaka to the west through the Kafue National Park for about 6 hours. We look forward to seeing Rueben and his family. They are expecting another baby. God has renewed our strength being here at the Mission in Lusaka and we are revived and ready to travel. We look forward to sharing more of this journey with you in the days to come. God Bless you all and keep you. Don't forget about us! We love you!
Monday, January 26, 2009
CLIMB UP A TREE AND ACT LIKE A NUT! I do not think there are squirrels in Zambia. Tyler and Evie enjoy climbing the tree outside the guest house. They were excited to find out there is a tree just like it in our front yard in Kaoma. See, God created the first jungle-gym - I don't know which day that would have fell on, but maybe somewhere in those 6 days He did fit it in. Don't tell their grandmas, but they are up very high in this picture. There is lots of fun things around the guest house to do during the day.
Check out this NEW "Missionary Kid on the Block" playing with a chameleon. WHOA...a WHAT! That's right...a CHAMELEON! Kids in the U.S. play video games, kids in Africa play with chameleons! It was quite fun watching it as it crawled around on Evie's bed. We were invited to eat dinner @ the Strategy Coordinator's house tonight for dinner so she had to let it go before we left...wait, I think she let it go...maybe she'll have an extra bed-mate tonight! See ya soon!
"The Sent-out Smith's"
Today was an intense learning experience. We met with many supervisors and took in much information about procedures and policy. I realize that living here is almost like being a baby learning all new things language, food, shopping, driving (ha). We were given our BMOZ truck today. How Cool! Mike drives here like that is the only way that he ever new. I don't know what that says for him in America, but he does very well. I am glad because I am not quite ready. It is funny how different situations cause your children to find fun in so many different things. In packing our trunks I had marked them so that I knew what was in each trunk. So I pulled the two trunks that were each for the kids and let them dig in. They had not had their toys for months. However, out of all the things packed, what would they pick? A ping pong ball and paddles and have now improvised the kitchen table with a towel rolled up to form the net. They are in quite a match as I type. Evie is dressed up in her Mulan dress up outfit playing ping pong with her impression of Kung Fu Panda. Yes, Mom I know that she is mine. HaHa. Life here is truly an adventure even while in the capital city. Just wait until we get to Kaoma. Continue to pray for the kids. Tyler has continued to have a difficult time sleeping. Last night we were up with him and he was trying so hard to go to sleep. He is such a trooper though. Evie did much better last night even without getting into the Kit Kats. They have adjusted well to the not drinking or brushing teeth with the water; the toilet flushes the opposite way (hey, just be glad you have a toilet, right?); wash your feet before you go to bed; zapping mosquitoes with portable zappers (Tyler loves that little chore); talking about money in the thousands and millions (makes you feel rich with all that kwacha but it sure doesn't buy much). By the way all you ladybug followers, Evie has discovered a pomegranate. Which is great if we can keep her from wiping her fingers on her clothes after every bite. I will add more soon . . . Stay tuned.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Our family here threw a big pizza party for us last night. It was all very good. A colleague from South Africa made her first pizza ever to share. Tyler and Evie spent all afternoon and evening playing with a huge group of MK's. This a.m. was our first Zambian Church Service together as a family. We went to the church which is located on the seminary campus here in Lusaka. The former President of the country attended this church. Evie went to childrens church with all the other Zambian children like she had been doing it all of her life. It was beautiful. Its been raining a majority of the morning here, but has stopped this afternoon. The warm weather is delightful. Sandals for everyone and we do not mind at all. We have had a little difficulty with the sleep pattern and either Tyler or Evie has ended up in bed with Mom and Dad during the night. Last night there appeared to be a little mouse in the house - or so we thought. I had checked on Evie many times because she was not able to go to sleep. On the fourth time I sent Mike and (many of you who know the ladybug well will love this) Evie was sitting in her bed in the dark eating a KitKat that she had from the plane. HaHa She said she was hungry and what is girl to do if someone gives her chocolate just let it sit there. Afterall, it was supper time in Deerfield, Right? Hopefully all of our internal clocks will adjust soon. We are well! We send you all our love.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
We arrived at Lusaka Airport last night a little before 9:00. There past the gates were a whole family of friends awaiting our arrival. What a joy to behold. Truitt and Cindy, a couple who went through training with us in Richmond. Many more from our Upper Zambezi Team Family. They were so helpful to us after such a long journey. Many of you have prayed for us throughout this time of preparation and travel. God has been ever present with us all the way. Tyler and Evie were a delight to watch as they went through all the processes of travel and international security checks. They were troopers as they carried their well, but overloaded, luggage. They enjoyed the plane and you should have seen their faces as we took off the first time. What a delight. They are doing well and making friend fast. I will add more soon. God Bless you all and all our love.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
It is the night before Africa and all through the house. . .
not a creature is stirring - ha - what? Are you kidding? We are still stirring, well, not stirring, but just mindfully going around checking that everything is on board that needs to be on board. We said many see-ya-laters today. Mike's precious grandparents, Estelle and Jack, both in their 80's and still puttering around with much to do said tearful good-byes to us and hugged us a couple of times before we got back to the car. Good-bye was said to Amy's Mom, Mammaw, Dad and Sister quick to avoid too many tears. The phone rang with calls from many who were sending their love and best wishes. Some of our best friends Tom and Barbie Bellamy from good ole' NC called and Barbie in all her bravery held back tears while Amy kept the conversation on the least emotional side that she could to make it through. Some may not know, but Tom and Barbie's son, Christian and our son Tyler have shared every birthday together no matter where any of us were living. So, I guess the Bellamy's better be getting some plane tickets. haha It will be a bittersweet birthday without Christian and family, but I pray technology will be used to it's best ability. Tyler will be turning 11 on February 8. Turning 11 in Africa, pretty exciting. Soon we will be adding pictures to our blog so that you all will not miss our faces too much. We will miss you all though, so please stay tuned and post comments - that would be encouraging as we set out on this journey. It will not be long now and we will see our dear people in Africa. Rest well everyone. God Bless and Keep you all!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Pack it Up - Unpack it!
When Tyler and Evie were little they used to watch a video and the cartoon farmer would sing this song, "Pig it up, unpig it, unpiggn' the pond, unpiggn' the pond". It was a great little annoying song. You know, one of those you get so tired of, yet will be singing later as you go through the line at WalMart. You all know what I mean. I have been packing, moving, unpacking since August. I was sitting here wondering if Mrs. Bush was home debating over what to keep and what to give away. Will she have enough space bags to efficiently pack all of the President's jammies away for the trip. Will she remember how to pack the u-haul so that her breakables do not get tossed around while they travel. Ha Ha Anyway, here we are, packing again, weighing, sorting. Do we really need it right now? We have touched everything we have ever owned and asked that question. All this and to think Friday we will be in Africa. The reality is all around us and we are feeling the tug of our hearts as we prepare to leave. How we love the people we are going to, but that love is no greater than the love we feel for those here. It is in these moments that I am thankful that God has clearly shown us that we must go.
THANK YOU to those who have sent your love and support! What would we do without you all!
THANK YOU to those who have sent your love and support! What would we do without you all!
Friday, January 16, 2009
As we go . . .
We were wandering through Deerfield - uh hahahaha - No one just wanders through Deerfield. You must either stumble upon Deerfield or have close ties (you know family). Well, it would be the latter for us. I am not embarrassed to tell you that we have had to sneak into Deerfield on occasions to work on final preparations of our trunks for Africa. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone in Deerfield. haha Our family there have loved us so greatly and we have had to say goodbye so many times. We knew we couldn't get away with sneaking in and out. While weighing our trunks who, but Gene Lewis and Dusty would show up. It was great to see them, but harder even still to say goodbye Again!!! We did get an update on Rixie (our adopted Yellow Lab)though and seems all is well. She has earned her place as a full-time female in the "MAN CAVE". We are anxiously preparing for our trip next week. Please pray for our many friends already on the field. Please pray that we will stay healthy as we get closer to travel day. Thanks for the comments - we would love to hear from you all.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
WELL...okay...actually we're leaving on the 22nd
Due to the Inaguration of our NEW President (Obama) and all of the people that will be trying to fly-out of D.C. on the 21st, we thought it best to actually fly-out on the 22nd! YES...it's actually OFFICIAL! The tickets have been issued! We fly out of D.C. on 1/22/09 @ 5:40 P.M. (E.S.T.) Stay posted as some pics will be on the way. THANK YOU for PRAYING for us during this exciting...FAITH-testing time in our lives!
Talk to ya soon!
The Smith's
Talk to ya soon!
The Smith's
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
"We're leavin' on a JET plane..."
It's finally here...the date has arrived! Next Wednesday...January 21st! We will be leaving IAD (International Airport- Dulles) Washington, DC at 5:40 p.m. Please PRAY for us as we make FINAL...FINAL..FINAL preparations for the BIG MOVE!!!
Until Next Time,
The Smith's
Until Next Time,
The Smith's
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