Wednesday, June 24, 2009

How Do You Witness to an Elephant?

No, we didn't try to share the gospel with this fellow, but we were close enough to do so. On the road to Lusaka is a view like no other. There are amazing ways that God speaks to us in our everyday lives no matter what road we are traveling. As I sat in the truck looking out at this enormous creature, I recognized his great power and strength. Was I scared? No, I knew I was safe in the truck and we could pull away in a second. I thought how often we depend on man and his many devices. We put trust in them to work and protect us from harm. Our faith is being tested everyday within even the mere things we take as conveniences. Do I think these conveniences are wrong to possess. No, but I think our reliance on our self-made assurances can leave us neglecting the fact that God is ever present and always working. How are we to give testimony if our faith was in the truck and not the God whom provided. I hope you are getting me or as we like to say "Una kunyuvwa". That is Shinkoya for "Are you getting me?" I pray for us all that we will rest in His Strength alone.

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