Monday, June 29, 2009

"My Favorite Picture in Africa" by Evie Smith

Mike gave Evie an assignment to pick out one of her favorite pictures from Africa and write a brief paragraph describing the picture(s). This is Evie and her "Ant Sky". That is how Evie writes and spells Aunt. Evie wrote this is her with Ant Sky at Lake Karibba Inn. We went there for our annual meeting. Evie said that she and her Ant Sky look alike.
The two of these beautiful ones in my life having a little "girl talk" on the side of the pool. Evie loves her "Ant" Sky and yes, that is o.k. with her Aunt Beata. Ant Sky has already been introduced to Aunt Beata and has overwhelming met with her approval. Sky always makes us smile and her other half, Daniel, he provides us with laughter. I would show you a picture of him, but they all have him either chasing crocodiles or killings snakes.

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