Friday, January 16, 2009

As we go . . .

We were wandering through Deerfield - uh hahahaha - No one just wanders through Deerfield. You must either stumble upon Deerfield or have close ties (you know family). Well, it would be the latter for us. I am not embarrassed to tell you that we have had to sneak into Deerfield on occasions to work on final preparations of our trunks for Africa. Shhhh. Don't tell anyone in Deerfield. haha Our family there have loved us so greatly and we have had to say goodbye so many times. We knew we couldn't get away with sneaking in and out. While weighing our trunks who, but Gene Lewis and Dusty would show up. It was great to see them, but harder even still to say goodbye Again!!! We did get an update on Rixie (our adopted Yellow Lab)though and seems all is well. She has earned her place as a full-time female in the "MAN CAVE". We are anxiously preparing for our trip next week. Please pray for our many friends already on the field. Please pray that we will stay healthy as we get closer to travel day. Thanks for the comments - we would love to hear from you all.

1 comment:

Steve and Rita Schwarz said...

WE will be praying for you. We are Steve Calverts friends. WE met you in Wake Forest and at a CESA Summit in Tenn. I just got medical clearance. Hopefully, we will be on our way to Eastern / Northern Zambia in July.

Rita Schwarz