Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What is behind the Banana Tree?

Just behind this banana tree meets a little group of people every Sunday morning.  They began with just two people, a husband and a wife, reaching out to us for help.  They came asking for us to please visit their village and tell them about the Bible.  After visiting, a few more members of the village began to draw near this place.  One older lady of the community asked only this, "teach".   They continue to grow and have built a small structure which they meet in to get out of the sun and wind.   It is a slow progression of growth, but they go forward.  Their leader, Kosmas, has been faithfully attending training each week with leaders from several other churches.  Though many of the community have turned away from them and "their new church", they press on, believing in the truth of the gospel.  Pray for the members of Kukonge Baptist Church.
Evie and Chipango, also known around here as BB and Chips.  Somedays are terribly long and our children find themselves sitting for hours in a village listening to some "boring" adult conversations. No matter where or when, these two will have each other backs.  They share almost everything they have together.  They play school, cards, ride bikes, paint fingernails, swim,  shell, grind and sift maize and even do some school work together.  They have their inside jokes and have in the past gotten up early together before school so they could play before Chipango had to leave for school.   When they are outside many times, I find myself having to listen very carefully to figure out which one is speaking.  What Evie hasn't picked up in Zambian english accent Chipango makes up for in using our southern draw.  Chipango knows well and listens to stories of Evie's best friend Kelsi from home.  It seems Evie has been blessed with some of the very best of friends from very different sides of the world.  Missing Kelsi when she is here and Chipango when we are in the states.  What a blessed girl!!!


Some of my favorite times in Zambia have been those of watching my children with their Zambian friends.  As you can probably guess, this group of boys can get pretty carried away.  Especially considering it was pitch black out and they were working on building a fire (or two) for our New Year's Eve.  I couldn't even see what picture I was taking.  Only that they were in front of me goofing off.  The camera and flash is sorta my form of "Mama Nightvision".  They quickly realized what I was doing and started to perform.  What a time to be a 12 year old boy hanging out in the bush of Africa!  My Tyler!

The Ngusulu's

Some of you may know the Ngusulu's. Reuben, Sr., center, is the proud husband and father of this crew. We have known Reuben since 2006. I remember talking to Reuben on the phone and wondering if I would ever have the privilege to meet him and his family. I would see countless pictures of them on Mike's return from Zambia along with many stories. Reuben has an amazing story of how God has brought him through this journey of life. It has not been without struggle. His wife, Melody, right in green, doesn't let him talk about the difficult times they have had in the past. It really hurts her to think about days without things they needed for themselves and their children. Days when Reuben had to travel and live in many different places to provide for them. But, whatever Reuben has set his hand to, he has done well and learned much. He speaks English beautifully and is as patient with us as anyone could be. His children are, from oldest to youngest, Kasenya 18, Lulu 17, Reuben, Jr. 13, Kebby 12, Chipango 10, Alice 8 and sweet baby Stacey 2. They are a gift to me and my family. They live here with us and life is never boring. We are family here watching out for each other. Melody keeps careful eye on things and I am sure to have someone rushing to get me if anyone is injured. The creativity runs rampid here and something is always being built, taken apart, or well into planning stages. Baby Stacey couldn't have kept from learning to count to 20 with over 3 bazillion games of hide and seek having been played before she turned 2. Often you could hear her counting long after everyone was found.  The stories are endless of our lives shared here together.  Living, learning and loving together.   I have loved watching them grow as a christian family.  They have sacrificed many things, been blessed in many ways and press forward raising their children in a Godly home.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yes, we have our own "Crocodile Dentist". I received an unbelievable carved crocodile bench. Christmas morning everyone gathered just outside our door and watched as they led me to a great surprise. What a great job Isaac did on this carving. My Croc is all varnished now and has very sharp teeth thanks to Kasenya! It is where many visitors sit when they enter the yard - on the Crocodile under the Mango tree! Wonder what in the world they think?

The Luena

My favorite picture of the Luena! Down the road from my house is a well-known river, The Luena. That is pronounced LOO-WAY-NUH. Its face changes all throughout the year from the rising with the rains to the shallow of the dry season. I love to stand on the bridge above it or sit on its edge and watch the people that dwell near and around it. Many times it is a laundromat and at the same time a car wash. It is a definite source of fishing for all ages, but mainly young boys who you will find standing in its shallow depths and some even out to their chests just to see what might be for dinner. Women will cast any kind of nets available to also bring in something for a meager meal. I never get tired of its amazing changes from the time of day you find yourself standing beside it or what season we may be sharing. I am always thoughtful as the year passes of the places I have tramped that will be covered with water before the year's end. Such and amazing landscape! There are no crocodiles in this river to anyone's knowledge, but who could really ever know what a river holds.

Uh! Excuse ME!

There is nothing like coming up on something in the road just at dusk and trying to make out what it could be only to find out, yes, it is a LION! I mean what do you do? What do you say? Excuse me Mr. Lion, could you and your lady friend please move? They were just laying there for the longest time! Can you imagine they were reenacting the scene from "The Notebook" and he was showing off about laying in the street! That is how my imagination works anyway! They took their sweet time getting up and sauntering off into the bush! I was so excited I could barely take pictures and nearly forgot how the camera worked! It was an amazing site! I was in no hurry for them to move! Now that is a day in the "real" Africa!