Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Christmas with Family

I knew the Davis family long before they knew me. I had heard of and read of there many years of ministry in Kalabo, Zambia. What a treat to spend time with them during the holidays. They are a missionary family to be admired. I had so much fun while they were visiting. They are now our cluster leaders and I am so glad to be serving with them. They now live in Botswana. We were able to spend a bit of time with them on the way back from South Africa. Just never enough time to spend with people you love.

1 comment:

Rhonda Wilmore said...

Hi Amy - it was so good to see a post from you! You and your family are looking great! Please post more news on how things are going - we love hearing about your time there.

Faith stills says "I miss Mrs. Smith" - we also pray for you each morning before leaving for school!

What is your address - we have a package we want to send to you. My email is

Love and prayers,
The Wilmores