Monday, April 22, 2013

Old Words Forgotten

I stumbled upon an older journal of mine in rearranging some things in my storage.  I flipped it open just to be sure that it was the item I was thinking and my eyes quickly started to read a note I had jotted down.  It is not dated on the exact page of this note, but is somewhere roughly around December, 2009.  It is funny how we will read our old words and think, hmmm, I do not remember writing that, but I am glad I did. 

December, 2009

"You know some days I just think random thoughts throughout the day.  Many are poetic in nature and that I want so desperately to put down on paper, but will not take the time to sit down and write for my personal fear that I may appear lazy or not using my time wisely.  That thought alone makes me consider how many others in the world be it poets, painters, writers, scientists even, have appeared to waste time to so many around them only to end up authoring words that became famous in every culture and language or discovered a cure for a disease we need not worry about battling today due to their efforts.  I have always enjoyed forming poems in my mind, but, next to never, get them down on paper.  A shame!  The thought of writing a book seems so noble, yet quite overwhelming and out of reach.  I sense in me that somewhere along the line of my life that someone said something to make me believe that certain things would always be out of my reach.  A shame!  I say this not to boast in myself that I would have discovered some great cure or been a Nobel peace prize winner by any means.  But, to say I think of all the talent that God so richly blessed His children with that has been stifled by the words of some down-trodden soul who needed someone else to join him in his own muck and mire.  A shame!  Criticism can many times cause you to feel violated and is often hard to forget.  Life can get pretty scary when you step out to use the talents you possess.  It is the start of destruction when you cannot recognize the gift He has given you to share.  The road to destruction can be long and full of pain.  God places those on that road who can help you from those detours in the road that stifle your courage.  They are gifts, but we can't always recognize them in the forms of opportunities given and people who speak into our lives.  We should guard our hearts and tongues in every aspect of our lives.  It is easy to sit and size up other people's attempts at greatness without evaluating whether we have made any attempts.  It is easy to criticize others attempts and failures without ever having attempted any on our own.  Whether we attempt great things or not, should we not be ones who will "cheer on" or applaud the achievements of others.  For to do anything else is to show our true lack of self-esteem and to lack compassion for the abilities and gifts God has blessed on each and everyone."

I continue to seek and try with all my heart to use the talents God has given.  It has taken some time to figure them out and I know that I still have time to spend in figuring them out in their fullness.  However difficult they may be at times, I am learning to be grateful for them and to use them as much as I am able.  There is one ability that we all have if we can reach down and rip out each of our own selfish-pride.  It is not a talent, but it a great weapon that can hinder other's talents.   There is one characteristic that we are ALL able to do and that is to hold our tongue's when necessary and to use if for building up instead of tearing down.  As a brother or sister in Christ may we not give Satan one toe-hold in our lives to damage any other human - be him Christian or not.  In this American-Idol world, may we remember, yes, that life is a stage, but it is an audience of one (God alone) and not of man.

A prayer I say many times when I hit the floor:  May God be glorified by my words and deeds today and that those around me may be loved as He would love them.  Let nothing I say or do to someone bring about their demise or take the wind from their sails, but lift them up and encourage them on their way.

Hold your tongue - edify others - I DARE YOU!

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Power of Darkness!

Catherine and her son with a friend from church.  She is always ready with a smile and something that will inevitably bring laughter to all those around.

There are days when I am so prepared to receive some outlandish news from our national friends.  Days that I am just not surprised by the "goings-on" within the dynamics of the people that I live life with here in Zambia.  However, when I am least prepared, some news will come that catches me so off- guard with a story that makes my heart sink for the people that I love.  I have a dear friend that is a strong lady and has been faithful in church and with the Women's Bible Study.  She is always so encouraging to me as I teach.  She shares things that she doesn't understand that I may better prepare myself for them to know and understand the scripture that I share.  She also will be the first to express that the way I have prepared has helped her have a clear picture of what God is giving to us in scripture.  She will tell me how she has taken previous scripture and applied it to happenings within her own life.  I am always pleased to see how she has used God's word to help her make the best decision for herself, her family and her witness.  She doesn't ALWAYS make the best decisions, but she is always upfront with me about those mistakes.  We are faithful in Bible Study to lift these areas of struggles within each other's lives up to God and ask for wisdom.  This dear friend met me on the road yesterday while I was on my way to Bible Study in a village.  Even as she approached the vehicle I sensed a great distress in her walk and body language.  Her face showed signs of a woman in such a state of grief.  I was immediately burdened and as soon as she was at the window I put my hand on her arm asking, "are you okay Catherine?"  She could barely contain her voice and her face quivered as she tried to tell me what had happened.  For months, the church has visited with Catherine's husband trying to encourage him in different areas of his life.  He doesn't keep Catherine from coming to church, but he will not come with her even after she faithfully asks him to come and prays for him.  She always ask the women to pray for him.  So, as Catherine began to tell me what had happened, I could barely contain my own emotions.  I immediately felt the fear and dispair she was feeling.  Her husband, father to three of her children, had an affair and the lady with which he had had an affair was pregnant and had needed surgery.  So, because of this distress in his and his mistresses life of needed surgery they have begun to place suspicion and guilt upon Catherine as being a witch who has caused this issue to arise in this mistress's life.  As you read this, with a Western-Cultured mind, you may say, well, that is just silly.   However, I share this story with you from the third-cultured perspective.  This is a very real threat to Catherine's life.  Many that are threatened here in similar situations will end up dead from some unknown cause of death or become sick from some unknown cause that brings about their death.  I sat in my vehicle with two other friends who are also friends with Catherine and we began to pray for her and this terrible situation.  Catherine I continued to hold forearms tightly and I could feel her tremble and felt tears drop onto my arm as she stood there by my vehicle.  It felt so unofficial, so unreal, my friend standing outside my vehicle leaning against it as she might as well been to weak to stand.  All I could find words to say to her as I looked up from praying for her was, "be strong Catherine, be STRONG!  This is time for the armor we have discussed in the past."  If you visited here and met Catherine, she probably would not share this struggle in her life unless you directly asked her about it and you would not know to ask.  Though it is a great burden to carry when a friend is struggling with such a truly difficult situation, I am grateful to be in her life at this particular moment to help her pray and encourage her in her walk.  Please pray for my friend.  Pray she will put on that armor of God and take up her shield to stand during this time.  Pray for her protection and for the true evil to be brought into the light.

Ephesians 6:11-12  "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil.  For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places."


In December, I rushed home to attend the funeral of my maternal Grandmother.  The members of the Baptist Churches in our area came to visit me and give their condolences.  I cannot tell you how touching it is to have people walk 3 hours from their homes together and bring gifts to you at such a time.  Gifts that are a precious sacrifice from them and their families.  To be accepted as their's, into the family.  To you and myself that read this blog and are my friends, the amount of money handed to me to help with the funeral expenses may not seem like much in comparison to the cost of gas, airplane ticket, meals, etc., but it spoke volumes of their acceptance and love for me and my family.  In the years I have been here I have spoken to the ladies of our Bible Studies about my grandmother "Mammaw".  I have shared the things she taught me about how to take care of myself, my family and people.  Growing up country, I have shared her cooking, by my hands, with them and they have enjoyed.  In those times of sharing I have expressed the example we are for generations to come through the people that are in, or even pass through, our lives.  When my Mammaw was in the hospital suffering from the last severe stroke and was not awake, I was sitting in a little village church with my feet in the sand and sharing biscuits, Mammaw's Biscuits, with a faithful group of lady friends and their children.  We talked about the recipe and what happens when you leave out the most important ingredient.  During these precious hours of sharing jelly biscuits, Mrs. Njapau, advised the group, "I haven't tasted jam since 1969."  I have learned not to be astonished when my national friends tell me such things.  I just thanked God with a smile in my heart to share such a moment.  Then before I could invisibly compose my self, Mrs. Njapau continued, "I am not sure why you love us this way, sharing your special food and knowledge of how God loves us.  Then she paused, but with respect we waited and gave her time to continue.  I do not think I or we have ever been loved this way."  

Members of Katunda Baptist Church
Mrs. Njapau, Sharon, Kennedy and Reuben

At that moment, my Mammaw's heart and mind were fighting with her body to stay in this world and I was there juggling with emotions of how God has so greatly blessed me by the wonderful people He so intricately placed in my life that have shown me the very love that Mrs. Njapau was so grateful to be receiving.  One of those people being my Grandmother.  How many times had she prepared those biscuits for me?  How many times had she taken the time to be diligent to show me each step?  How many times did she allow me to try as she watched and guided?  I grew up next door to her so the answer is MANY!  The members of these churches have shared their lives with us and fed us at their homes for years.  They have given us chickens, ground nuts, pumpkins, cassava, and more from their fields.  "Why do you love us this way?"  "Oh' Mrs. Njapau, because God in his grace has allowed me to be loved this way and in turn He is loving you this way as well."  We as believers hold within ourselves the very reciprocation of God's love.  Love people and they will feel His love.  Do not be discouraged by the statistics of those who will not accept or receive your love or those who only use your friendship.  We too, were users and abusers of love given so freely to us.  Romans 5:6-9 "For while we were still weak, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. For one will scarcely die for a righteous person - though perhaps for a good person one would dare even to die - but God shows His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." We were given the greatest gift and sacrifice by one who was perfect and without sin.  May we continue to recognize that to the fullest each day in hopes it may overflow from us in such a way that others feel it as well.

The ladies of Kaoma Baptist Central visiting for the funeral after my return.  They came to pray with me and bring me a new citenge and a set of drinking glasses.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I suppose I will never get used to the knock at our gate or the call that brings sad news of another friend dying.  Some we are prepared for and some are so tragic.  There are an endless list of stories I could share regarding these struggles.  There is a little village I have known since the first time I stepped foot into Zambia known as Katunda.  We have spent much time with the families of Katunda.  Met with them under a tree and carried bricks with them to build their first church.  We have camped with them and woke together on Easter morning.  And, yes, we have grieved with them much at the loss of a loved one.  I have observed many families go through this difficult time of mourning and have been allowed to be considered enough family to know all that is taking place around me at and during a funeral.   At the funeral house there is grieving, wailing, many tears and the story of death shared over and over to each visitor or group who have attended the funeral house.  But, yet, there is a real study of human behavior taking place the entire time.  The family members close to the deceased must maintain a certain level of grief and despair during the funeral to not arouse suspicion that they themselves might have caused this death.

I have stood at a funeral house looking at the members of that family and wondering just what all was going on inside their hearts and minds at that time.  Were they actually mourning in freedom or was it a constant performance to assure that no one would question their innocence?  Because no one is left out under the umbrella of suspicion at a time of death.  It has to be someone's fault.  Therefore, many times a funeral is more like an inquisition or an investigation going on under the guise of a time of remembrance and condolence.  When so many want to grieve without any fear at such a great time of loss in their lives.

The rains begin in Zambia around mid November.  Throughout the next 6 months the rains will come regularly with many great storms that will seem to last for days.  The rain will pool up in our yard and make huge ruts in the road.  Each year our house will shift a bit during the rainy season and cause large cracks throughout our home.  These rains and the damage they cause to my own home has always led me to ask questions about the homes in different areas and how they would withstand such a great regular force.  I have been told of stories of people's entire home collapsing during such storms.  The walls to these small mud-brick huts have only a foundation of river clay and sand.  After on-going rains some times walls will become weakened.

We would receive a call from a leader in Katunda that a family near the church had lost their son.  Late in the evening as the Mom sat by the fire outside, her two young sons ages 4 and 7 were just inside the hut sleeping.   Within seconds, the entire long wall of her home would give way and collapse crushing her young sons.  With screams for help many around the village would come to help her dig the boys out.  Imagine the helplessness she felt knowing these, her babies, so small were underneath the rubble.  There would be praises as the 7 year old is discovered alive, but with a great injury to the leg.  However, there would great chaos and question as the youngest is found dead.   Katunda Baptist rallied and served this family during this terrible tragedy.  The mother had recently started coming to the church and the grandmother has attended my women's bible study for more than a year.  As the family would share the story of the accident, I would hear questions about the injuries and it would always end with what happened to the young one who died.  Because there were no external signs of injury on the young boy, this would leave a question in everybody's mind as to what actually killed him.  They have begun to trust me in my helping them understand different medical instances of the way tragic things can happen.  I have explained that there can be great head injury without a significant external sign on the body.  Yet, even as I know and understand what happened that night and I can explain to them what the most likely occurrence was, there is still that underlying suspicion.  My heart yearns for them to be free from such great captivity in their lives.  That they could have the freedom to mourn without fear.  My heart grieves as I have shared in times of death with close national friends and never to know all that they are dealing with during these great times of heartbreak.  Please pray that this veil of darkness that shadows this land will be removed.  Please pray God continues to put words in our mouths that shed a great light on the truth for them.

"For you were called to freedom, brothers.  Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.  For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.'  But if you bite and devour one another, watch out that you are not consumed by one another."  Galatians 5:13-15